

HoFaS strategically links structures, information, and departments together, serving as a nexus for all company groups. It encompasses messaging, handovers, task management, as well as internal and external displays, ensuring that procurement and IT workflow organizations are always in view.
The concepts are developed directly with the customer, for the customer.


Employee turnover poses a significant hurdle to growth and operational success. Those who contribute efficiently to employee integration during onboarding and can successfully transfer knowledge gain competitive advantages. We offer a Learning Management System (LMS) that handles onboarding, employee training, and necessary instructions while fulfilling your documentation obligations.

Checkboxes were yesterday; today is HoFaS Communications.


Many of our products already have multilingual support integrated. This allows you to translate the interface into all necessary languages, no matter which continent you are working on.

LMS and checklists already come with 5 language options as default settings. We have already addressed the challenges of the future.


The distribution of corporate information often resembles the game "Chinese whispers". If you want to ensure that all information reaches your employees correctly, utilize the capabilities of our Display Management! We offer our customers both centralized and decentralized control, as well as the integration of entire videos.

Digital employee newsletters or employee blogs connect leadership with your most valuable asset.


Dynamics that can encompass your entire company group – from the head office to every corner of your organization. You don't have to be an "Undercover Boss" to know what your employees think and feel.

With our system, you can flexibly engage with every employee, gather valuable knowledge, and leverage innovative ideas through short communication channels.


The HoFaS team collaborates with you to develop procedural workflows for areas such as procurement, IT ticketing, facility maintenance, accident logging, and occupational safety. These processes ensure seamless documentation, defined procedures, and perfect traceability. They contribute to smooth operations and enhance your compliance.

Structured workflows provide time flexibility and improve your performance.


Health protection and occupational safety are already enshrined in the basic law. Therefore, it is the responsibility of all parties involved to ensure a safe working environment.

You may be lacking complete processes, documentation chains, or operating instructions. The occupational safety concept of HoFaS links all necessary processes, consolidates them for your ASA (Occupational Safety Committee) meetings, and provides you with comprehensive documentation.


Anzeigen & Bewerbermanagement

Potential candidates are registered on various platforms. Depending on the type of candidate, social media, advertisements, or internal platforms may be suitable. Finding a tool that consolidates all applicants into one database can be expensive.
We consolidate all applicants for you on one platform, allowing you to manage them conveniently.

Efficient employee recruitment and effective recruitment management are also crucial for medium-sized businesses. A simple, smooth, and efficient process not only convinces potential candidates but also strengthens your company's image as an attractive employer.

Digitalized processes play a crucial role in this regard. They not only ensure an optimized and fast application process but also guarantee security in handling personal data. Automated systems enable secure management of sensitive applicant information and protect against unauthorized access.

Another important aspect is compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Our system automatically recognizes and implements defined deletion deadlines and standards. This ensures that personal data is stored only for as long as necessary and then properly deleted. This helps you to make the application process GDPR-compliant and minimizes the risk of data protection violations.

By using our digitized processes, you can fully focus on selecting the best talent while the system ensures the necessary security and compliance in the background. This creates an efficient, transparent, and trustworthy recruiting environment that benefits both you and the applicants.

We provide the system on applicant management for you.



Programmierer und Informatiker mit Leidenschaft
  • Programmierung
  • Datenbank- und Prozessentwicklung

Lieblingssatz: "Besser wenn es auch ohne Javascript läuft. Barrierefrei ist wichtig!"


Hoteldirektor und Hotelbetriebswirt
  • Vertrieb
  • Ablauforganisation
  • Design
  • image

Lieblingssatz: "Jeder Klick ist einer zuviel!"

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